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European Christians are at the forefront in accepting evolution: results from an internet-based survey
David P. Wilson
Evolution & Development
Volume 12, Issue 6, pages 537–540, November/December 2010
SUMMARY Beliefs regarding the origins of the universe and life differ substantially between groups of people and are often particularly associated with religious worldviews. It is important to understand factors associated with evolution and creationism beliefs and unacceptance of scientific evidence for evolution. An internet-based survey was conducted to elicit information from people who self-identify as Christians, atheists, agnostics and other belief systems, as well as by geographical location and other demographic variables, on acceptance of evolution or creationism, certainty with which each position is believed, and reasons for rejecting the alternative. It was found that almost 60% of Christians believe in creationism and less than 10% believe in natural evolution. Worldwide, these proportions were relatively consistent across all locations except for in Europe. Among European Christians the majority of Christians believe in a form of evolution (. It was found that the vast majority (87%) of Christians are ‘absolutely certain’ about their beliefs, compared with the minority of atheists and agnostics claiming ‘absolute certainty’. Generally, reasons Christians did not accept evolution were based not on evidence but on religious doctrine. In contrast, the most common reason for not accepting the existence of a god by atheists who supported evolution was the lack of evidence. Innovative strategies may be required to communicate evolutionary science effectively to non-European Christians.
Uit de tekst:
Taken together, 71.4% and 36.4% of European and non-European Christians, respectively, reported believing in a form of evolution for explaining the diversity of life.
Het is niet duidelijk op welke bevolkingsgroep het verhaal in Evolution & Development slaat. Recrutering van beantwoorders ging via internet, en het is onduidelijk of dit zelfs maar vergelijkbare getallen voor verschillende landen levert, of getallen die horen bij de eenheid de ze noemen (‘Europe’zou ook wel UK+Ierland kunnen zijn, bv).