De tweet van deze week is een twitterconversatie:
Richard Dawkins @RichardDawkins E pluribus unum. A time will come when Pete Stark is in the majority. Support the only honest non-believer in Congress
13h Peter Meadows @Meadowsesq@RichardDawkins So non-believers are not honest, in contrast to those through history willing to die rather than deny their faith.
13h Richard Dawkins @RichardDawkins@Meadowsesq Willing to die for their faith? Yes, like the 9/11 assassins: Allahu Akhbar! Great!
12h Peter Meadows @Meadowsesq@RichardDawkins That’s cheap. Had in mind those slaughtered by non-believers like Pol Pot and Mouse Tse Tung. Can we keep this intelligent?
14m Scott Peden @Peden200@Meadowsesq @RichardDawkinshate to butt in, but religious people kill in the name of their religion, non believers don’t kill for atheism
Rene Fransen @Fransen_R @Peden200 @Meadowsesq@RichardDawkins Check the French Revolution. People kill for the state, the system etc. Humans kill without religion.
11:51 AM – 30 Oct 12 · TweetDeck